Ali Hey!sup
shopping buddy?wow we are such ditzes.remember that time in burger king?And that little posessed dog?And the rolling pin?
ew and our paper ouija board:O LMAO!Luv ya Biotch!=P

Jacqualine Hey honey-bee!Hows your little stuffed
penis's?lol.Remember the AVC.We're such freaks! FETUS!!!"look it's Little Head":D Me and you are like an arm without a foot!You
cant go back to nova scotia without me,k?lol.bye luv ya!xoxo

Samantha Hey!Whats up senorita?=P Remember those notes! haha and
that funny old guy on the skateboard downtown? that was crazy!K remember that blue notebook thingy?lmao I still have that.eww!=P
Luv ya!

Contara Hey.Hows it Goin?Woah
we're wierd.haha remember New years?That was sooo gay!and the sims?lol.And our good times with that stupid purple monkey thing!lmao
we're great.If you move Im gonna be hit by lightning so you better not move.My life is at risk=P lmao bye-bye!xoxox

Hollie Hell Hollie my love =P haha we're retarded.We have to go real golfing! remember when we
were playing pool and i didnt get any in? haha that was sad. good times drinking.Youre such a cheap drunk=P lmao. love ya!
-The Ashmeister

Cass Hey .Hows my favourite burnout=P lol remember
jocelyns newspaper wedding dress?That was great! I heart you too! bye!xoxox

Kayla Hey buddy!we still gotta hire that hitman! Teach him
to mess with us! haha Whats an orgasm?=P that was great. "I wanna pet the puppy....."=P.lol bye!luv ya!

Michael Hey Michael my homie!haha.hows it goin?we're
the best square dancers ever!=P lol byez!xoxo
(You guys need to send me pics)
Chelsea- hey! lol stealing jello shooters from danis freezer.and
carrying hollie to your house after danis mom found out:O aww im still mad at my mom cuz she didnt let me go to taste of chaos!:'(
"Tardy" lol luv ya!
Dani- ah good times getting drunk at your house being scared your neighbours would phone your mom but then your brother
ends up telling anyways.And your fish tank with no fish!lol. we have to skip guitar more! I <3 U
Ashley H- Hey!
hows it goin? We are awesome badminton players.Me getting hit in the face and you hitting your hand.Oh yeah!luv ya Ashley
H- Hey.Hows it goin?k we need to hang out more!Ive hung out with you like 3 times!haha aat hollies birthday you just like
pushed me off the bed.grr.lol bye! Ashley xoxo
{Jaana}- youre special so I am giving you a hug on here!:) lol luv ya
Crackers-Hey.youre such a confusing kid
but you have hott eyes!I<3U4ever belated valentine:)
Scott- lol ali and I were just talking about u so Ill give u a shout! lol.You are such a slut!=P you creep!Last semester
u were stalking me cuz u were in like all my classes.And shut up about my shortness already!!!Do remember last summer when
we got married and had kids:S haha jk
Michelle P-howdy=P wow youre smart:| I think I lost your england penny!:( Its little head!
Devon- Just
wanted to let you know how much of a perv you are!hahaha. I dare you to try it! lol you creep=P xoxo Bye!
Chris- Im talking to you right now so I will give you a shout Just cuz i am soooooo nice.so yeah umm bye!
B- Hey.Awww you moved away and now Im sad=( why did you do that?Im gonna miss you!!!Bye!xox (PS I love your cat Im gonna steal
Jessie T- Hi.No I did not spend my Co-op money yet=P.K you are so smart you got like 100% in math!Thats crazy.Will
you be my tutor??=P Bye!Ashley xox
Jessica W- Hey!Whats up?Hows your brother?=P haha Mrs. Rowley is so wierd!We
dont look alike! -shrugs- Oh well.Bye!
(Theres a lot more of you but Im too tired right now.Dont
take it personally if I forgot you=P So if you want a shout out sign my guestbook and send me a pic)