my name: ashley my age: 16 my birthday: january 2nd 1990 my school:
mount royal collegiate my birth place: saskatoon saskatchewan my colors: my song: The bad touch-bloodhound
gang/lil jon get low/bep my humps my band: third eye blind/black eyed peas my store: senza my
food: anything my drink: caramel macchiato fr! my location: home.saskatoon my siblings:
3 sisters my pet: dog/hamster/cats my hair: dark brown my eyes: blue my height: 5' 2" my summer plans: not
sure yet my sports: basketball.track.volleyball my grade: 10 my life: my friends and family and whoever i like at
the time ;) my future major: psychology my movie: the notebook.old school my season: summer! my holiday: xmas my
candy: m&ms.starbursts my show: the oc. greys.Csi,Greys anatomy my e-mail:
Interesting facts -Im a vegetarian-Stop trying to feed me
dead things! -Im afraid of the dark-seriously:| -I can play the saxophone-thats right.Im so cool -Im addicted to
stupid online quizzes:D

Likes *rain *cotton candy *shopping *laughing *daydreaming *alcohol *summer
*mini skirts *roses *caffeine *south park *rolo ice-cream *hot guys *music
*guitars *msn *parties *animals *being outdoors *writing *dancing *lip
gloss *starbucks Dislikes *fake people *bugs
*cleaning *wierd coloured hair *people who think they are better than others *shoes that hurt your feet
*subtitled movies *bratty little kids *needles *sharp objects *dolls
My Links....
Cass's site
Ali's site